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Sunday, March 14, 2010


The little things I enjoy:

Waking up in the mornings, especially on Sunday.
Watching my Dachshunds play.
Having a supply of Starbucks Via coffee on hand for my iced coffee.
Hearing my friends' voices.
Holding my grandkids.
Taking pictures of sunsets and sunrises.
Enjoying a cup of coffee on my patio at dawn in the summer.
Laying in bed all day on Sunday with a good book.

What are some of your little big things?



Magpie said...

Today is was taking a lovely drive in the country with my husband and daughter. We just got away, climbed a hill and took some pictures...we had a great time.

Kathy said...

Oh, that sounds just lovely, Nancy! I do that a lot in the summer, just drive around with the camera. This is the 4th day of rain and cold wind, though, in a row, so I am living through the description of YOUR day, for a bit!