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Friday, March 05, 2010


Give a man a fish and he has food for a day; teach him how to fish and you can get rid of him for the entire weekend.  ~Zenna Scha

Actually, give a WOMAN a fish...etc.  Last Spring I bought myself a new rod and reel and spent countless weekend hours  packing up on Saturday mornings and heading to some pond or river to cast and reel cast and reel cast and reel.  One day this happened:
I had to recruit my boyfriend to hold this baby up!  And I have a bridge to sell you that spans the Atlantic Ocean.  However, I can dream, right?  About the fish AND the guy?  

There are Spring Birds singing outside, even though it is staying pretty cold.  I wonder if they realize yet they came back too early?  But because of their songs that I have missed so much this winter, I had the rod and reel out getting it ready yesterday for my first fishing trip of the season.  That first Saturday when I look at the weather forecast and see 70 degrees or above, and sunshine, I will be hanging up the GONE FISHIN' sign, digging up a few night crawlers from my worm bed out back, throwing the sunscreen and insect repellent, my Kindle, and my iPod into a tote bag, and spending a day in the sun!  

For now, though, I have to drag myself out of The King and wade through the workday.  HAPPY FRIDAY, HAPPY WEEKEND YA'ALL!


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