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Saturday, July 18, 2009


First this little guy's nest got blown out of the tree during a storm. He and his brother and his mom sat on the ground behind the tree, fiercely protecting one another from harm.

Then, his brother found his wings and left the area, surely for higher ground in a less cat-riddled neighborhood.

It seemed strange to Baby Pigeon Twin B to be left alone with his mom, but the food was more forthcoming, and his belly stayed full all the time. He also had his mom's attention all to himself, and that wasn't so bad. But as his wings became stronger, even over the course of two nights, and Mom's instincts told her he was able to make it on his own, she, too, abandoned him.

Twin B found the warmest spot he could on an unusually chilly July day, on the asphalt of the driveway, and he looked around, scared, hungry, lonely, abandoned, until he found his wings and soared, surprising even himself.

Here is hoping your family never abandons you and that you find a warm spot on the asphalt on which to find your wings! Cheers!

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